Sunday, January 4, 2009

The End of Humanity

A comical standing,
record breaking cheers
for the bad guy.
We fear!

Loud roar of applause,
sound bites of threats
against us.
We are set!

We live by nature—
instinct of survival.
We humanize by force—
misguidance of intuition.

No, I don’t believe
in this final end by flaw.

We will survive
by one tool;
crafted and gifted
to only us.

But first: we must
Choose pen
over fire.

(This is not a new-new poem. But I like it. Inspired by The Dark Knight, which is more than a comic book movie if you really watch it. Feedback?)


  1. I really like the phrase "record breaking cheers for the bad guy."

    But I think you over-punctuate a bit in this. Semicolons are used to connect two independent clauses, so the one in fifth stanza should really be a comma or a dash. Though the colon in the last stanza is grammatically correct, it is distracting.

    That being said, I absolutely love the Dark Knight.
